Posted by & filed under Developer Blog.

It appears that the BB Moderation Hold plugin hasn’t updated for newer versions of BB Press. The moderation links are not appearing in the admin navigation and when you click “moderate” from within the post itself as a moderator it redirects to the homepage rather than taking you to the moderation pages.

The fix for both issues is rather simple, but requires editing the php code in the plugin itself. Simply open up moderation.php and make the following tweaks:


 bb_admin_add_submenu(__('Topics for Moderation'), 'moderate', 'bb_moderation_hold_topic_admin_page', 'content.php' );


 bb_admin_add_submenu(__('Topics for Moderation'), 'moderate', 'bb_moderation_hold_topic_admin_page', 'topics.php' );


 bb_admin_add_submenu(__('Topics for Moderation'), 'moderate', 'bb_moderation_hold_topic_admin_page', 'content.php' );


 bb_admin_add_submenu(__('Topics for Moderation'), 'moderate', 'bb_moderation_hold_topic_admin_page', 'posts.php' );

You are basically changing both instances of ‘content.php’ to ‘topics.php’ and ‘posts.php’ respectively.

Now when you replace moderation.php on your server you should see extra links under the posts and topics sections and you should be taken to the appropriate pages when moderating.